Store-A-Tooth™ is launching an initiative to "Find a Cure" and will make a donation for every new customer who banks their teeth with us.
That's right – we will donate a portion of the proceeds to support diabetes research.
Simply let us know you want to find a cure.
Children With Diabetes - Orlando
We work with your dentist to collect your child's tooth, which is shipped overnight to our laboratory where the sample is prepared for long-term storage.
Cryopreservation has been used for years to store stem cells from cord blood as well as other types of blood samples and human tissues.
Take the stem cell quiz and we'll donate $1 to the fund.
How much do you know about dental stem cells?
Do you know what they could potentially do for you?
Take the quiz...
Help us spread the word - we will make a donation every time someone banks their stem cells with us.
Call us 1-877-867-5753
and tell us you want to 'find a cure.'
Learn more...
Date: October 17, 2012
We successfully raised over $5000 for diabetes research!
Read about this accomplishment...
Stem Cells for a Cure™ is a pledge by Store-A-Tooth, a service of Provia Laboratories, LLC. Our company is committed to helping raise funds for type 1 diabetes research.
Learn more... about why Provia Labs is dedicated to making a difference for families with diabetes.